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James Rollins / Nukes and Nutjobs / Wentzville and the NAACP
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Read Sandstorm by James Rollins I feel real comfortable that a nutjob like Kim Jon Small Dong of North Korea is testing Nukes again . Let's be honest, the U.N. isn't going to do anything about this. That organization is a waste. Go read Eye on the U.N. linked from below.I find it really funny that the NAACP is involved in this mess with the Wentzville school district. If you haven't heard, the school district had to send a letter to parents saying that a school didn't get high enough test scores. It broke the scores down and said that certain segments didn't get high enough scores but some did. Guess who didn't get high enough scores? In my opinion the district should have said well, minorities and the free and reduced lunch kids didn't get high scores, but the white middle class kids are really to blame here because they didn't get high enough scores to pick up the slack. Would anyone be complainin' then?