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McCaskill Still Not Up To Speed
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
    Several times I have called the office of Sen. Claire McCaskill to inquire about whether she has made a statement regarding the case of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. Twice, I have been given the excuse of "well, we are still trying to get our office up and running" or something to that effect. Yesterday, I felt the need to call them on this. I told them I find it funny that the office would use this excuse when Sen. McCaskill would probably have her office set up if she hadn't taken a vacation during freshman orientation. I know it was low of me to use that, but seriously that's a cop out excuse for her office to use.
Labels: political
DOJ Can't Even Get Ramos/Compean Transcript
    An article from World Net Daily today mentions the White House is working on getting transcripts from the trial of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. Shouldn't it be pretty easy for the Department of Justice to get a trail transcript in the age of computers and fax machines?
Labels: border patrol
Tom Coburn Is A Fine American
    Read this article on Tom Coburn, the Republican Senator from Oklahoma, and try telling me I am wrong.
Here is his Wikipedia entry
Labels: political